You may have received an email from OMVIC (HERE) on November 28, 2022 mentioning OMVIC Board changes planned by the Ministry. You may have found it a bit confusing, which is mostly due to what was not said in that email. Here is the rest of the story. As matters presently stand OMVIC is overseen by a Board of 12 Directors. 9 are elected motor vehicle dealers and 3 are consumer representatives appointed by the Ministry. The Ministry intends to reduce the number of dealers to a minority by way of a “Minister’s Order”. The Ministry’s plan would effectively end dealer self-management. A Minister’s Order means dealers will have no say, as they normally would have to vote on such changes. We do not support the Ministry’s plan and are actively meeting with Ministry officials, along with other stakeholders who oppose it. It is early days and we have asked for consultation. We expect an answer on that in the early New Year. We will keep you informed. |