DriveON Light-Duty/Passenger Vehicle Rollout and Extended Transition Period for Annual and Semi-Annual Inspections

DriveON Light-Duty/Passenger Vehicle Rollout and Extended Transition Period for Annual and Semi-Annual Inspections

Motor Vehicle Inspection Stations (MVIS) offering ONLY light-duty vehicle safety inspections are now finally able to apply for, and enroll in, the new digital safety platform.

MVIS facilities that only conduct light-duty/passenger vehicle inspections, can apply through the DriveON portal at

The MTO’s full release and other important news can be seen below:

MEMORANDUM TO:      Motor Vehicle Inspection Station (MVIS) and DriveON Stakeholders

FROM:                              Jennifer Elliot


DATE:                                August 30, 2024

SUBJECT:                        DriveON Light-Duty/Passenger Vehicle Rollout and Extended Transition Period for Annual and Semi-Annual Inspections

In July 2022, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) started combining the heavy-duty diesel vehicle emissions testing program and MTO’s Motor Vehicle Inspection Station (MVIS) program into a single digital inspection program called DriveON. We have been onboarding MVIS facilities to DriveON in a phased approach and are ready to open the next phase, which is onboarding of Light-Duty MVIS facilities.

September 3, 2024 – Light-Duty MVIS Facilities can start applying to the DriveON program

  • MTO is pleased to announce that enrolment into DriveON will open on September 3, 2024, for current MVIS facilities that only conduct light-duty/passenger vehicle inspections.
  • MVIS facilities that only conduct light-duty/passenger vehicle inspections, can apply through the DriveON portal at
  • Facilities whose applications are approved by the ministry will be onboarded and allowed to purchase the necessary equipment through the DriveON portal.
  • To ensure MVIS facilities receive their DriveON equipment prior to the ending of the MVIS program on December 31, 2024, it is strongly recommended they complete the enrolment process and purchase equipment prior to November 1, 2024.

Complimentary Inspection Tablet for Light-Duty Facilities

  • To help support the industry, the ministry will be providing one complimentary inspection tablet to all currently licensed MVIS facilities whose applications have been approved to DriveON during the purchase of the initial equipment package. 
  • MVIS facilities that only conduct light-duty/passenger vehicle inspections will be eligible to receive one complimentary inspection tablet if onboarded to DriveON before December 31, 2024. 
  • If MVIS facilities don’t apply to DriveON by December 31, 2024, they will no longer be able to conduct light-duty/passenger vehicle inspections under the MVIS program. These facilities will have to wait until the next phase of onboarding occurring after December 31, 2024, to apply and will not be eligible to receive a complimentary inspection tablet.

Technicians Entering the DriveON Program Must:

  • Have a valid Certificate of Qualification with Skilled Trades Ontario that is active and for which all fees have been paid. This information can be verified by calling 1-855-299-0028 or going online and checking the public registry for status through Skilled Trades Ontario at
  • Register as a technician on the DriveON portal.
  • Complete the mandatory online training available on the portal, which is free of charge and available 24/7.

MVIS facility owners and technicians are encouraged to review the Program Enrolment Package and begin collecting the required documents for their DriveON application. The Program Enrolment Package can be found on the DriveON portal at

DriveON Vendor

Further information regarding the process on how to enrol in the DriveON program will be communicated by the DriveON vendor, Parsons Inc. Additionally, Parsons will be hosting information sessions during the month of September, and we encourage you to attend to have your questions and/or concerns addressed:

  • Wednesday, September 4th at 11:00am
  • Wednesday, September 4th at 2:00pm
  • Thursday, September 5th at 12:00pm
  • Tuesday, September 10th at 10:30am
  • Tuesday, September 10th at 2:00pm
  • Wednesday, September 11th at 10:00am

If you have any questions about the new DriveON program, please contact the Vehicle Inspection Centre Assistance Line toll free at 1-833-420-2110 or by email at [email protected].

Annual and Semi-annual Certificates Transition Period Extension

  • Annual and semi-annual certificates can no longer be ordered.
  • Ontario Regulation 170/22: Vehicle Inspection Centers states that MVIS stations are to stop issuing or affixing annual or semi-annual stickers after July 31, 2024.
  • However, MTO provided an educational transition period to help existing MVIS stations enter the DriveON program, and to reduce the burden on the industry. During this transition period, existing MVIS stations may continue to issue annual and semi-annual stickers and certificates. MTO is extending the transition period one more time from August 31, 2024, to September 30, 2024.


All unused MVIS certificates and stickers must be returned to MTO. Stations that have joined DriveON and have received their equipment, are required by legislation to return all unused MVIS books and certificates. If stations use MVIS certificates, they can face charges and their enrolment into the new DriveON program may be revoked or refused.

  • To qualify for refunds:
    • unused forms of annual inspection and semi-annual inspection certificates and stickers must be returned by October 31, 2024. Heavy-duty stations must also return unused safety standards certificates by October 31, 2024.
    • unused safety standards certificates must be returned by January 31, 2025.
  • Refunds will not be provided if unused annual inspection and semi-annual inspection forms and stickers are returned to the us beyond these dates.
  • Further questions or concerns about refunds may be directed to the MVIS program via telephone at 1-800-387-7736, via Fax at 905-704-2574, or via email at [email protected]


Jennifer Elliott


DriveON Onboarding Q&A

Q1: I am a current light duty/passenger MVIS facility. What will I need when I apply to the DriveON program? 

A1: You will be able to apply to DriveON through the DriveON portal on September 3, 2024. Information regarding the onboarding process can be found in the Program Enrolment Package on the DriveON portal. You can access the guide here at

Q2: I am a current MVIS facility that only conducts light-duty/passenger vehicle inspections. When do I need to onboard into the DriveON program by? 

A2: The current MVIS program will end on December 31, 2024. MVIS facilities will no longer be authorized by the ministry to perform these types of inspections under the MVIS program as of December 31, 2024. It is strongly recommended to complete enrolment and equipment purchase prior to November 1, 2024, to allow for your application to be processed and equipment shipped in time.

Q3: How do I apply for my complimentary inspection tablet? 

A3: Once an MVIS facility has completed their application to DriveON through the DriveON portal, tablet savings will be applied automatically to their equipment purchase order. No additional action will be required by the MVIS facility during the application process. 

Q4: Am I able to purchase another tablet in addition to my complimentary one? 

A4: Yes, MVIS facilities joining DriveON can purchase multiple tablets based on their operational needs. Additional tablets can be purchased individually or as part of additional packages. Facilities should be aware that the sale of all DriveON equipment is final and non-refundable.

Q5: I own an MVIS facility that performs safety inspections with two MVIS numbers. Do I get a free tablet for each MVIS number? 

A5: Yes. One complimentary tablet will be provided for each MVIS ID number per VIC application.

Q6: When can my technicians register with DriveON?

A6: Technicians can begin the registration process on the portal now at Once they have created their username and password, they can then start the mandatory online training available on the portal, which is free of charge and available 24/7. This can be done independent of the Vehicle Inspection Centre application process.

Q7: I am a current MVIS facility that only performs structural inspections. How will I know when I can apply to the DriveON program? 

A7: The ministry will communicate onboarding dates for MVIS facilities that only perform structural inspections at a later date. In the meantime, these MVIS facilities planning to apply to the DriveON program should review the Program Enrolment Package found at to begin collecting the necessary documents for their DriveON application. 

Q8: I am a current VIC in the DriveON program that only performs emissions inspections. Am I eligible for a complimentary inspection tablet? 

A8: No, only currently licensed MVIS facilities that are onboarded into DriveON by the required dates are eligible to receive one complimentary inspection tablet.

Q9: Can a current MVIS facility add emissions capability to their VIC?

A9: Yes, MVIS facilities can add emissions inspection capability to their VICs during onboarding. If a current MVI, would also like to conduct DriveON Emissions inspections, they can indicate that in their onboarding application. The vendor will get back to you on the equipment delivery date based on a first come first serve basis.

Q10: I am a current MVIS facility – what if I don’t want to join the DriveON program? 

A10: MVIS facilities that only perform light duty/passenger vehicle inspections are encouraged to join the new DriveON program by December 31, 2024. After this date, no light-duty/passenger vehicle inspections can be performed under the MVIS program.

Q11: I am a current MVIS facility that performs heavy duty inspections. Can I still enroll in DriveON? 

A11: Yes, heavy duty MIVS facilities can still enrol in DriveON.  However, when enrolment opens to MVIS facilities that perform light duty/passenger vehicle inspections, they will be given priority.

Deadlines and Details


Deadlines and Details

We have received an important reminder from the MTO as to deadlines and details on the move to fully digitize Ontario safety inspections by the end of 2024.

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is no longer accepting new Motor Vehicle Inspection Stations (MVIS) applications:

  • Effective June 30, 2024, the MTO has stopped filling orders for annual inspection or

semi-annual inspection certificates/stickers.

  • Stations will have until October 31, 2024, to order safety and structural certificates, in limited quantities.

MVIS facilities that have not entered the DriveON program must not:

  • Issue or affix annual inspection or semi-annual inspection certificates/stickers after July 31, 2024.
  • Issue a safety standards certificate after July 31, 2024, if the vehicle requires an annual or semi-annual inspection sticker.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: MVIS facilities are permitted to continue conducting annual and semi-annual inspections under the MVIS program until August 31, 2024. This is only permitted for MVIS facilities that have applied to the DriveON program before August 1, 2024, and have not received their DriveON equipment.

To qualify for refunds, MVIS facilities are required to return unused forms of annual inspection and semi-annual inspection certificates and stickers by September 30, 2024.

Unauthorized use or sale of expired MVIS certificates and stickers are subject to investigation by a Transportation Enforcement Officer. You could be charged for violating the Highway Traffic Act if you issue or affix these certificates and stickers beyond the end date, or your enrollment into DriveON could be revoked.


As a reminder to MVIS facilities that perform annual, semi-annual or a combination of annual, semi-annual and light-duty/passenger vehicle inspections, please note that the deadline to apply to DriveON is July 31, 2024 to receive a complimentary tablet.

Current MVIS facilities that are eligible and have submitted their application to join the DriveON program are now able to order, receive, and initialize the inspection equipment and add technicians to their VICs ahead of the Ministry’s review and approval process.

The DriveON program went live on July 15, 2024, where stations that have been accepted into the program and have received their equipment can begin performing inspections under the DriveON program.

Current MVIS facilities that only perform light duty/passenger vehicle inspections will be notified when the DriveON portal will open to apply to DriveON. More information on this will be announced soon.

If you have any questions about the new DriveON program, you can contact the Vehicle

Inspection Centre Assistance Line toll free at 1-833-420-2110 or by email at [email protected].

To read the full memo from the MTO please click here



The UCDA recently received this email from the Ministry which oversees OMVIC. The Ministry is moving ahead, after consultations, with some specific amendments to the MVDA. There may be more to come, as the notice suggests, but for now these are the announced amendments:

As of July 1, 2024:

  • Motor vehicle dealers and salespersons (registrants) are no longer required to return their registration certificate when they cease to be registered.
  • Registrants have 30 days to provide warranty documents and payments to warranty sellers.
  • Registrants are required to include contact information that the registrant chooses (rather than a business telephone number) in advertisements, provided that the same contact information is published on OMVIC’s public database of registrants.
  • Cross-appointments between OMVIC’s Board of Directors and the Motor Vehicle Dealers Compensation Fund (MVDCF) Board of Trustees are prohibited.
  • Outdated provisions that are related to the transition from the repealed Motor Vehicle Dealers Act have been removed from the General regulation.

As of January 1, 2025:

  • The required Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP) statements will be simplified and registrants will be required to include a general statement on CAMVAP in all contracts.

As of January 1, 2026:

  • Registrants will be required to successfully complete continuing education requirements that the registrar specifies prior to renewing their registration.

The amending regulation is now available on the Ontario e-Laws website.

The ministry is working to determine next steps on the remaining proposals outlined in its consultation paper and may bring forward additional regulatory and legislative proposals for government consideration in the future to support burden reduction for the sector and enhance consumer protection.

If you have any questions, please contact the ministry at [email protected]



A reminder that if you want to comment on the Ministry’s proposed changes to the MVDA, the deadline is May 21, 2024

As readers of Front Line and other UCDA messaging know, plans have been in the works for some time to open up the MVDA for the first reforms since the “new” Act was put into force in 2010.

The Ministry has reached the consultation phase of that planning, and we were informed just recently that a deadline of May 21st has been set for responses on a series of proposed reforms.

The UCDA is diligently working on our draft responses to the suggestions, and we plan to ask UCDA Members for their thoughts, probably by way of a survey, in the coming weeks. This will help us fine-tune our final submission to the Ministry.

Please stay tuned for that. Meanwhile, here is the note from the Ministry that oversees OMVIC operations:

The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery is seeking feedback on a consultation paper exploring proposed changes to the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002 and its regulations.  

The ministry is consulting on proposals to: 

  • Reduce burden for registrants;
  • Protect consumers;
  • Enhance registrant compliance and improve regulatory efficiency; and
  • Address other sector-specific issues. 

You can find the consultation paper on Ontario’s regulatory registry: Modernizing the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act: Proposals to Reduce Burden, Improve Regulatory Efficiency, and Enhance Consumer Protection ( 

The deadline to submit feedback to [email protected] is May 21, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. The ministry will consider all feedback received.

Victoria Day

Victoria Day

Dealers are required to be closed on Victoria Day, Monday, May 20th, unless located in a tourist area as designated by their local municipality.

The UCDA search offices will be closed on Victoria Day, but open regular hours, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 18th and resuming normal operations on May 21st.

Members will be able to access UCDA online services throughout the long weekend at



On Friday word came from the MTO that the much awaited next phase of enrolment for digital safety will open on May 9, 2024.

Starting on that day, MVIS facilities that perform annual and semi-annual inspections or a combination of both annual, semi-annual, and safety inspections on light duty/passenger vehicles, will be eligible to apply to the new DriveON program through the DriveON portal at

Other important dates:

  • It is recommended you complete the enrolment process and purchase equipment prior to June 1, 2024.
  • MVIS facilities that perform annual and semi–annual inspections or a combination of both annual, semi-annual, and safety inspections on light duty/passenger vehicles will be eligible to receive one complimentary inspection tablet if you onboard before August 1, 2024.
  • Current MVIS facilities that only perform light duty/passenger vehicle inspections will also be eligible for one complimentary inspection tablet when onboarding is open to them. Current MVIS facilities that only perform light duty/passenger vehicle inspections will be able to submit their application to become a VIC through the DriveON portal at a later date. More information will be communicated on this soon.
  • If you don’t apply to the DriveON program by July 31, 2024, you will no longer be able to conduct annual and semi-annual inspections under the MVIS Program.

Further information regarding the process on how to enrol in the DriveON program will be communicated by the DriveON vendor, Parsons Inc. Additional information can also be found on the DriveON portal at .

If you have any questions about the new DriveON program, please contact the Vehicle Inspection Centre Assistance Line toll free at 1-833-420-2110 or by email at [email protected].



Reforming the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act

As readers of Front Line and other UCDA messaging know, plans have been in the works for some time to open up the MVDA for the first reforms since the “new” Act was put into force in 2010.

The Ministry has reached the consultation phase of that planning, and we were informed just recently that a deadline of May 21st has been set for responses on a series of proposed reforms.

The UCDA is diligently working on our draft responses to the suggestions, and we plan to ask UCDA Members for their thoughts, probably by way of a survey, in the coming weeks. This will help us fine-tune our final submission to the Ministry.

Please stay tuned for that. Meanwhile, here is the note from the Ministry that oversees OMVIC operations:

The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery is seeking feedback on a consultation paper exploring proposed changes to the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002 and its regulations.

The ministry is consulting on proposals to:

  • Reduce burden for registrants;
  • Protect consumers;
  • Enhance registrant compliance and improve regulatory efficiency; and
  • Address other sector-specific issues.

You can find the consultation paper on Ontario’s regulatory registry: Modernizing the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act: Proposals to Reduce Burden, Improve Regulatory Efficiency, and Enhance Consumer Protection (

The deadline to submit feedback to [email protected] is May 21, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. The ministry will consider all feedback received.

Digital Safety Program

Digital Safety Program

The UCDA attended a virtual session to hear MTO and Parsons explain the digital safety program today. Much more information can now be found at


A Virtual Information Session

A Pre-Enrollment Guide


Information sessions are now available.

To enroll visit:

The following in-person sessions are still to come:

Windsor Tuesday, January 16, 2024 1 and 4 pm

Sarnia Wednesday, January 17, 2024 2 pm

London Thursday, January 18, 2024 10 am, 1 and 4 pm

Niagara Tuesday, January 23, 2024 1 and 4 pm

Hamilton Wednesday, January 24, 2024 10 am, 1 and 4 pm

Cambridge Thursday, January 25, 2024 10 am, 1 and 4 pm

Hanover Monday, January 29, 2024 1 and 4 pm

Gravenhurst Tuesday, January 30, 2024 2 pm

Aurora Thursday, February 1, 2024 10 am, 1 and 4 pm

Toronto Tuesday, February 6, 2024 10 am, 2 and 5 pm

Mississauga Thursday, February 8, 2024 10 am, 2 and 5 pm

Brampton Wednesday, February 14, 2024 10 am and 1:30 pm

Peterborough Thursday, February 15, 2024 10 am and 2 pm

Information Sessions For Transition To Digital Safeties

Information Sessions For Transition To Digital Safeties

As the MTO finalizes the transition to the new digital safety regime set to roll out in 2024, we are receiving some messaging we want to pass on from the MTO to all Motor Vehicle Inspection Stations.

Information sessions are now available.

To enroll visit:

There is only one virtual session left, on Monday January 15, 2024, so get in fast!

The following in-person sessions are still to come:

Windsor Tuesday, January 16, 2024 1 and 4 pm

Sarnia Wednesday, January 17, 2024 2 pm

London Thursday, January 18, 2024 10 am, 1 and 4 pm

Niagara Tuesday, January 23, 2024 1 and 4 pm

Hamilton Wednesday, January 24, 2024 10 am, 1 and 4 pm

Cambridge Thursday, January 25, 2024 10 am, 1 and 4 pm

Hanover Monday, January 29, 2024 1 and 4 pm

Gravenhurst Tuesday, January 30, 2024 2 pm

Aurora Thursday, February 1, 2024 10 am, 1 and 4 pm

Toronto Tuesday, February 6, 2024 10 am, 2 and 5 pm

Mississauga Thursday, February 8, 2024 10 am, 2 and 5 pm

Brampton Wednesday, February 14, 2024 10 am and 1:30 pm

Peterborough Thursday, February 15, 2024 10 am and 2 pm

Digital Dealership Registration

Digital Dealership Registration (DDR) - WEBINAR EVENT!!!

The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD) and the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) have asked the UCDA to pass on this important message about an upcoming webinar opportunity to learn more about the DDR program:

You’re Invited!

Join us to learn more about Digital Dealership Registration!

The MPBSD, in collaboration with the MTO, will be hosting a webinar on the DDR program.

DDR is a web-based application that enables dealerships in Ontario to complete vehicle registrations online and limit the need for dealers to visit ServiceOntario centres. It is integrated with existing systems to facilitate a fast, easy, and secure way to register a customer who has purchased a new or used vehicle.

The event will be taking place on: Tuesday November 14th, 2023, and Thursday November 16th, 2023, from 1:30pm – 2:30pm and will include of a walkthrough of DDR, how to sign up and address commonly asked questions about the platform.

Please ensure that you meet the following criteria for DDR before completing the registration:

  • Dealership must be within Ontario
  • Dealership is registered with Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council

Sign up today to reserve your spot for the DDR webinar HERE