September 2019


The UCDA and OMVIC are delighted to announce the long-awaited launch of the new Motor Vehicle Dealers Act Key Elements Course. This program was designed to benefit dealers, managers and salespeople who have not yet taken an OMVIC Certification Course (those registered before 1999). It is also for those who have taken the Certification Course prior to the new MVDA being introduced in 2010.

This is a significant expansion of the current education program. With classes held in major cities across Ontario, most UCDA members will not have to drive more than one to two hours to get to a course.

The Key Elements Course will help dealers and salespeople comply with current regulations and legislation governing the wholesale and retail automotive industry. This includes the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, the Consumer Protection Act and the Sale of Goods Act.

Individuals who successfully pass the MVDA Key Elements Course and maintain registration with OMVIC are entitled to use the OMVIC designation “C.A.L.E. — Certified in Automotive Law and Ethics.”

Class Options…

We’re giving students the option of taking just the 1-Day, Key Elements portion or, taking the class as part of the UCDA’s three-day, comprehensive Dealership Manager Professional Certification Program*:

Option 1:

As part of the UCDA’s management course, students can take the 1-day, Key Elements portion; a multiple choice test is taken in-class at the end of the course day.

Option 2:

Students may take the 3-Day Dealership Manager Professional Certification Program, with the Key Elements Course incorporated on day two. Testing will take place in class, immediately following the Key Elements session.

For those apprehensive about writing a test … don’t worry … the results do NOT in any way affect your OMVIC license! The test is for your benefit, to help ensure you are better informed.

Courses begin in January, 2020. Reserve your spot today!

*Dealership Manager Professional Certification Program

The Dealership Manager Program provides best business practices, processes, strategies and tools to succeed in the areas of leadership and managing people, managing the daily operations of a dealership, marketing and managing the Used Vehicle Department. The program is designed to provide dealers and managers with professional, integrity based management training that also protects both consumers and dealerships through legal compliance.

Insurance Pink Slip May Now Be Displayed On Cell Phone

The Ontario Government has announced, effective September 5, that drivers may now display proof of insurance on their cell phone instead of by way of a paper pink slip, if they wish.

There are a number of conditions to this, of course. Chief among them is not all insurance companies may offer this feature. It’s not clear how this may affect travel outside of Ontario. There is also concern that at some future point, insurers may stop offering paper slips entirely, or charge the insured extra fees for issuing paper slips.

Dealers might wish to check with their insurer as to whether this has any effect on them. The UCDA’s garage insurance program through Baird MacGregor, will continue to issue pink slips to insured members and will not be charging extra fees to do so.

Possible Changes Coming To The Consumer Protection Act (CPA)

Several pieces of legislation have a direct and immediate effect on the day-to-day business of motor vehicle dealers.

One is obviously the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, others include the Sale of Goods Act and the Consumer Protection Act. The CPA is wide-ranging consumer protection legislation covering everything from repairs, to door-to-door sales to unfair or unconscionable business practices.

So, when the Ontario Government proposes changes to the CPA, dealers need to be aware.

One right the CPA presently gives consumers who can prove they are victims of false, misleading or deceptive business practice is to fully cancel the contract within one year of the date of the agreement.

In a consultation paper released in this summer, the Government proposes changing this to one year from the time the consumer discovers they have been the victim of an unfair practice. This could extend the right of rescission (as it is known) far beyond one year from the date of the sale.

The UCDA has been in touch with the Ministry and made our concerns known. It’s still unclear at this point, if the proposals would be restricted to in-home sales, or be extended more generally into the marketplace … including to sales made by motor vehicle dealers.

Among other proposed amendments that may cause dealers further concerns are:

  • expanding the mandate and authority of those charged with enforcing the Act (including OMVIC) to ensure they have the powers necessary to compel businesses to comply with the Act;
  • requiring businesses to ensure that, upon cancellation by a consumer of a service contract that is subject to the Act, all related agreements consumers were subject to (such as financing arrangements or registered security interests relating to the primary contract) are also fully terminated; and
  • amending the Act to allow for Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs), (basically fines imposed through receiving a “ticket”, rather than through the order of a judge) to be imposed on parties that contravene the provisions of the Act.

It remains to be seen whether any of these changes will actually be implemented and if they are, what if, any powers will be extended to organizations like OMVIC. The UCDA will monitor developments closely.

Social Media … Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword!

Businesses have come to rely, perhaps too much, on good reviews on Google, Yelp, and so on. Dealers are no different.

Have you ever taken the time to go on to other dealers’ sites and read the reviews that are posted there? It can be entertaining … even educational.

Of course, there are the suspicious looking ones that praise the business to the heavens, but appear never to have left another review about anyone, anywhere. There are the strange ones posted by angry people (what the internet world might call ‘trolls’), which tend to say more about the person posting them, than the business they’re attacking.

Then there are the legitimate posts that either praise a dealer or offer criticism. The best of them explain what their concern is and often, in those cases, you will see the dealer offer their side of the story and perhaps even a solution where appropriate.

We have, however, noticed a disturbing trend lately.

Apparently, some dealers have decided it is an appropriate use of their time to post negative comments on other dealers’ review sites!

As was noted earlier, since negative posts often say more about the party posting than about the business they are commenting on, we would urge dealers to avoid this at all costs.

In one instance we are aware of, a dealer posted a review on another dealer’s website that they felt this dealer was “fake”, that they “lied”, “falsified information” and are a “horrible business”.

Aside from the fact this can get the dealer leaving such a post sued for libel, as the dealer who received this review is considering, it is unseemly and must stop.

If the dealer who posted this review were a member of the UCDA, which thankfully they are not, they would be subject to expulsion from UCDA membership for a violation of our Code of Ethics, key components of which are:

  • To promote and convey a positive image on behalf of all dealers and support efforts to improve the industry’s products and services; and
  • To promote the benefits of industry products and services, without being unfairly critical of those offered by other dealers.

Social media is a powerful tool. It can provide an excellent forum for dialogue, but when misused it can be a dangerous sword that can cut both ways.

Certification Course Classes

We have 5 OMVIC certification classes currently scheduled through the end of October at the Wye Management Training Facility in Vaughan (unless otherwise noted).

The classes are taught by UCDA trainers.

Monday, October 7
Thursday, October 10
Wednesday, October 16
Tuesday, October 22 – Holiday Inn., Fairview Rd. Barrie
Tuesday, October 29

For more information and to register, please contact Michelle, at [email protected] or Val, at [email protected] .

Dealer Quiz

  1. The Consumer Protection Act provides protections for consumers of particular interest to dealers. Which of the following can affect dealers?
    (a). in-house vehicle finance deals, where the customer has paid more than 2/3rds of the purchase price, the vehicle cannot be repossessed by the dealer in the event of default without a court’s permission
    (b). there is a 10 day cooling off period allowing a consumer to back out of a purchase contract
    (c). dealers who do repairs must post a sign explaining rates
    (d). every lender shall deliver an initial disclosure statement for a credit agreement to the borrower
    (e). (a), (c) and (d).
  2. Another piece of legislation that can affect dealers is the Sale of Goods Act. Which, if any, of the following can found in this Act?
    (a). human rights regulations
    (b). bill of sale design requirements
    (c). dealer or salesperson registration requirements
    (d). implied warranty of fitness
    (e). one year contract rescission rights
  3. I have a vehicle out on lease. The vehicle remains in the dealership’s name, while the plates registered to the vehicle belong to the lessee. I don’t need a lien on the vehicle because this is a lease.
    True or False?
  4. The Motor Vehicle Dealers Act and Regulations require that a dealer declare if a vehicle was recovered after having been stolen.
    True or False?
  5. The Motor Vehicle Dealers Act contains provisions allowing authorized officers of OMVIC to pursue fines for offenses that have not been paid within 60 days and to take certain enforcement steps. Which of the following is NOT within OMVIC’s power.
    (a). To arrest the person who owes the money
    (b). To lien the personal property of the person who owes the money
    (c). To lien the house of the person who owes the money
    (d). To report the unpaid debt to a credit reporting agency
    (e). All of the above


UCDA at Habitat for Humanity Automotive Industry Build Day

The weather couldn’t have been nicer on September 18, as UCDA Executive Director, Warren Barnard, armed with a hammer and tool belt, joined other volunteers from several automotive industry organizations to kick off the first-ever Canadian Automotive Industry Build for Habitat for Humanity Canada.

A t t e n d i n g the ceremony with the UCDA were team members from Cox A u t o m o t i v e C a n a d a , as well as partners from Canadian B l a c k B o o k , CARFAX Canada and Hyundai Canada.

Other sponsors included Desjardins, the Bank of Montreal, Scotiabank and TD Canada Trust.

Together, these sponsors presented a cheque for $100,000 to Habitat. The UCDA and Manheim Canada donated money raised at the 2018 and 2019 Ruth HartStephens and Bob Beattie Golf Tournaments.

The Canadian Automotive Industry Build allows the automotive industry to help build stronger communities by assisting families to achieve strength, stability and self-reliance. On average, Habitat generates $175,000 of benefits to society for every home built.

  • In 2018, 238 families began building strength, stability and independence through affordable homeownership.
  • Since 1985, 3,619 Canadian families have partnered with Habitat Canada to get access to a decent and affordable home.
  • In 2018, Habitat’s affordable homeownership program generated almost $42 million in societal benefits to the community.
  • In Canada, Habitat’s affordable homeownership program has added $68 million to the affordable housing portfolio in 2018 alone!

Habitat homes are sold at fair-market value, with an interest free mortgage, to selected families who may not be eligible for a conventional mortgage, and who are also expected to contribute up to 500 volunteer hours to Habitat.

Canadian Automotive Industry Build volunteers will be at the Mississauga build site, along with other volunteers and Habitat c o n s t r u c t i o n staff, through to the end of October. On October 4, six U C D A s t a f f members will join volunteers from Manheim C a n a d a t o continue the construction of the two homes on the site. The homes should be ready to be occupied sometime in 2020.

For more information about Habitat for Humanity, please visit:

Quiz Answers

  1. The answer is (e). Only (b) is incorrect. There is no cooling off period on the purchase of a motor vehicle from a dealer.
  2. The answer is (d). All motor vehicles sold by dealers have a warranty of fitness for the purpose intended, implied by the Sale of Goods Act.
  3. The answer is False. In order to protect your interest in the vehicle against third party claims, customer bankruptcy, and for insurance purposes, you should ALWAYS register a lien when leasing a vehicle.
  4. The answer is True. This is one of the 21 required disclosures under the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act.
  5. The answer is (a). OMVIC officers cannot arrest a person for not paying a court ordered fine, but they can do the other things listed.

August 2019


This month the UCDA achieved a milestone. We reached 5,000 members!

When the UCDA’s first Executive Director, Bob Beattie, and 7 other used car dealers got together at a restaurant in 1984 to discuss how they could unite the used car industry in the face of proposed changes to rules governing used vehicle sales, they could not have foreseen what their creation would grow to become in the future.

The UCDA became the first non-profit organization in Canada established to represent the needs of dealers who sell used vehicles. The early years focused on lobbying efforts with government, aimed at making government aware of the concerns of an industry that was often ignored, or worse, sneered upon. It was for good reason that the Association’s mission statement was and remains, “To enhance the image of the industry”.

The UCDA grew rapidly. The single most important factor in our early growth was the introduction of a phone-in lien search for members, to by-pass what was at the time a very cumbersome government phone service.

The early lien search has surpassed everyone’s wildest dreams, having now grown into the largest online vehicle information search portal in Canada,

Member services have always been the priority of the UCDA. The better the services … the more likely a member will renew year after year. Keeping members was a favourite mantra of Bob Beattie.

In the 1990s, used car dealers needed an insurance program and today Baird MacGregor Insurance Brokers remains the UCDA’s only insurance brokerage. Today more than 1,600 members enjoy rate stability and a unique annual claims free rebate.

A few years later, we added our NAPA parts program, which each year provides more than a million dollars in rebates to members. Throw in an affordable health plan and a credit card merchant discount program and the value of a $200 annual membership is pretty clear.

The auto industry has changed a lot in the past 35 years. We have seen industry self management (OMVIC), and completely overhauled regulation with the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002.

The industry has seen mandatory disclosure requirements, mandatory education requirements, and some of the strictest advertising regulations in Canada.

Through it all, the UCDA has played a significant role in the development of Ontario’s auto industry. And we’ll be here as the industry undergoes even more significant changes in today’s digital world.

With this in mind, you and all members now have exclusive access to list vehicles for sale on your vehicle listing site:

We would not be where we are without the strong support of members … and now there are 5,000 of you.

Congratulations and “Thank You” from all of us at the UCDA!


The Uber of Insurance Relief Should Give Lessors a Lyft

Since the disruptors of the people moving business entered the scene, lessors have wondered about their exposure for lessor’s liability on vehicles used by drivers for companies like Uber and Lyft.

Leasing companies enjoy a cap on liability exposure of a maximum $1,000,000 for any loss or damage from personal injury resulting from the use of one of their leased vehicles.

It was an open question whether such a cap applied to leased vehicles used for ridesharing services.

That question was answered when the provincial government’s Bill 107 (Getting Ontario Moving Act, 2019) received Royal Assent on June 6.

The Act extends the liability cap as long as the parties are “dealing with each other at arm’s length”.

This is a huge relief for commercial auto lessors whose leased vehicles could be used by ridesharing companies.


What Employers Need To Know 2019

It can be really hard for today’s employers to keep track of all the expectations placed upon them by the provincial government.

Courtesy of Littler LLP (Labour & Employment Law Solutions,) we have a neat summary, all in one place, of the high points.

Covering expectations, training, posters, handouts, representative and committee requirements (depending on number of employees) … it’s all here.

The publication, can be found at:

It covers Employment Standards, Workplace Safety, Violence and Harassment, Disability and Accessibility, Pay Equity, Hazardous Materials (WHMIS) and Smoke Free postings.

It is all current as of 2019, which is useful as the ground keeps shifting for Ontario’s Employers.


Ford Thief

From the wacky news files comes this story reported on by media out of Detroit.

While theft is no laughing matter, and this story would not have as much impact if this guy was stealing tires and so forth off of say Hondas or Chryslers, but this was a Ford and his name is:

Henry Ford!

He is presently a fugitive at large.

Says deputy chief Aaron Garcia: “So Henry Ford, he’s stealing GPS units out of vehicles, he’s stealing tires, he’s robbing these cars, … it’s almost like a disgrace to the Ford Motor Company.”

Meanwhile, if you see Henry Ford jacking a Ford, there is a reward for his capture:


Consumers Vote “No” On Data Sharing

While we can’t speak to the science behind it, or the questions, or how they were asked, it is interesting what consumers say when they are asked about data.

83% say no to selling their data.

The short answer seems to be, when they are asked, consumers don’t want their personal data monetized or shared with third parties.

Dealers, Manufacturers, Advertisers, Web Sites and other stakeholders would be wise to pay attention.

Based on a survey of 1,403 current car shoppers by Autolist, 83% think no one should be allowed to sell their data.

70% think they should control (and own) the data that their own vehicle creates.

53% feel that laws are not properly addressing vehicle data, privacy or were not aware of the issue at all.


Odometer Bonus

Most dealers know about the famous cancellation law in the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act. It allows a consumer the right to cancel … no questions asked, no deductions, no appeal … within 90 days of delivery of a purchased or leased vehicle, if the dealer fails to declare or properly describe on the contract, any of the listed items which relate to odometer, rental, police or emergency vehicle, branding, make, model or model year.

Most dealers understand that if they make a mistake on the bill of sale and record an odometer reading that is lower than the true reading, the customer has the right to cancel.

But, what if the reading you record on the odometer section of your contract states the reading is HIGHER than the true reading on the vehicle? In other words, your customer gets an odometer bonus!

This is an interesting question, because we all know (or we assume) the general intent of the law is to prevent consumers having vehicles forced on them that have higher kms (or miles) than is declared on the bill of sale. But what does the law actually say?

Section 50 of the General Regulations to the MVDA contains the 90 day cancellation rights available to any consumer (ie. non-dealer) on purchase or lease.

With respect to the odometer:

Cancellation of contracts for non-disclosure

50. (1) For the purposes of section 30 (2) of the Act, if a registered motor vehicle dealer entered into a contract under which another person, who was not a registered motor vehicle dealer, purchased or leased a motor vehicle from the dealer, the person may cancel the contract if,

(a) the dealer has not accurately disclosed, in the contract, the information required under any of paragraphs 3, 7, 17 and 23 of section 42;

(4) A disclosure of a distance required under paragraph 3 or 4 of section 42 shall be deemed to be accurate if it is within the lesser of 5 per cent or 1,000 kilometres of the correct distance required to be disclosed. O. Reg. 333/08, s. 50 (4).

(5) A person may not cancel a contract under subsection (1) more than 90 days after actually
receiving the motor vehicle. O. Reg. 333/08, s. 50 (5).

The Section makes no distinction between errors that are lower than the true reading or higher, it focuses simply on accuracy and the requirement to declare on the contract the “correct distance”.

Despite what might seem logical, even if your customer gets an “odometer bonus” by taking delivery of a vehicle with lower actual kilometers than the contract promised them, they may still exercise the right to cancel.


Compliance Quiz

  1. OMVIC’s Discipline Committee must be made up of at least 5 people, at least one of whom,
    (a). is not employed by a dealer trade association
    (b). is not, and never has been, a registered dealer or salesperson,
    (c). is not a shareholder of a dealer
    (d). all of the above.
  2. Speaking of Discipline, if a Panel is convened to hear a case, it must have at least 3 people, one of whom can never have been:
    (a). a lawyer
    (b). a lion tamer
    (c). a dealer or salesperson in Ontario
    (d). a dealer or salesperson anywhere
    (e). a paralegal
  3. The parties to a proceeding before OMVIC Discipline can only ever be OMVIC and the Registrant.
    True or False?
  4. The Motor Vehicle Dealers Act and Regulations do not mention “daily rental” disclosure.
    True or False?
  5. The Motor Vehicle Dealers Compensation Fund is required to make certain information about claims public. Which of the following is NOT required?
    (a). The total number of claims allowed
    (b). The name of the person making the claim
    (c). The name of the dealer about whom the claim was made
    (d). The total number of claims denied
    (e). In cases where a claim was allowed, how much was paid.


Identity Theft … Fake Buyers … Dealer Charge Backs

The UCDA has seen a significant increase in dealers having demands made by lenders to pay for deals that have been funded based on fake ID, false documents, and embellished employment information. The last 3 demands we’ve seen range from $47,000 to $500,000.
Who’s Job is it to Verify that the Customer Information is Accurate?

The auto industry wants instant approval for car loans and the lenders want efficient data handling and processing. So, we now have instant “Auto Approve”. Problem solved … except when it all goes wrong!

Lenders Say… “It’s Your Job”

The lenders say that the dealer stands “in the shoes of the lender” so verification is your job. The dealer sees the customer and receives their information.

The lender gets the dealer’s paper work weeks after the deal is funded and trusts the dealer has done their “due diligence”. The contract between the lender and the dealer contains a “total recourse” clause and thus the demand for their losses.

Dealers Say … “We Are Not The Police For The Lenders, We Are Not Trained To Spot Identity Theft”

What is reasonable “due diligence” by the dealer? What should you have to do with the customer to satisfy the lenders that you are complying with the contract you signed with them? Unfortunately, the contracts don’t spell out what “your job” is.

  • How many pieces of ID do you get?
  • Do you phone the employer to confirm employment details and salary?
  • Do you call landlords to confirm how long the customer has lived there or get proof of home ownership?

There is a real disconnect here, and the UCDA would like to hear from you …Who’s Job is Verification?

Please send your response to [email protected].


Telus Is Coming …

Soon, the UCDA and Telus will be announcing a new member service. For the first time a leading phone company will be offering special UCDA rates for business mobile phone and tablet plans and line charges. These new rates are very attractive … details coming soon.



  1.  The answer is (d), all of the above. For the purposes of subsection 17 (3) of the Act, a discipline committee and an appeals committee shall each consist of at least five members, at least one of whom has never been,
    (a) a registrant, a former registrant or a person registered at any time under the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act;
    (b) a shareholder, officer, director or employee of a person described in clause (a); or
    (c) an officer, director or employee of a trade association that represents registrants or the interests of registrants. O. Reg. 332/08, s. 10 (1).
  2.  The answer is (c). At least one of the members of the panel must never have been,
    (i) a registrant, a former registrant or a person registered at any time under the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, or
    (ii) A shareholder, officer, director or employee of a person described in sub clause (i). O. Reg. 332/08, s. 14 (4).
  3. The answer is False. The Discipline Committee can decide to add a party. The parties to a proceeding before the discipline committee are,
    (a) the registrant who is the subject of the proceeding;
    (b) the administrative authority, if any; and
    (c) any other person that the committee adds as a party. O. Reg. 332/08, s. 15.
  4. The answer is True. This is a trick question, so consider yourself correct, even if you answered “False”! The words “daily rental” are not used anywhere in the MVDA, which uses the phrase “leased on a daily basis”. However, it means the same thing.
    If any of the following is true of the vehicle, a statement to the effect that the vehicle was previously, i. leased on a daily basis, unless the vehicle was subsequently owned by a person who was not registered as a motor vehicle dealer under the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act or the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002,
  5. The answer is (b), unless that person consents to the publication of their name.

June 2019


The 4th Annual Ruth Hart-Stephens & Bob Beattie Golf Tournament was another huge success this year! We’d like to send a big thank you to our participating UCDA Members, Sponsors and UCDA staff who are always there bright and early to make sure registration runs smoothly. A very special thank you also goes out to Shannon Newman of Cox Automotive for her tremendous organizational skills and to the staff from Cox Automotive and Manheim who were there to assist her.

UCDA Member Service providers generously stepped up to sponsor our tournament, so much so that every sponsorship available was completely sold out! Desjardins was once again our Title Sponsor, NAPA was our power cart sponsor and donated their player spots as a Manheim Auction draw prize. Baird MacGregor Insurance Brokers were once again the sponsor of the Post Golf Reception, where drinks and hors d’oeuvres were enjoyed by all.

So, a big thank you to all of our new and returning sponsors – we couldn’t have done it without you:

The primary focus of this fundraiser is always the Bob Beattie and Ruth Hart-Stephens Scholarship Awards at the Automotive Business School of Canada. The successful applicants will receive their scholarships in September.


Anti-Spam Update

2019 has seen a number of Canadian dealers receive citations from the CRTC under Telemarketing Rules (Part 3, Section 3, for breaches of the National “do not call registry” system. A citation identifies alleged violations and sets out the specific corrective action to be taken within a certain time frame. The names of individuals and organizations that receive citations are published on the CRTC’s website:

This should serve as a timely reminder about rules restricting how businesses may contact consumers to promote their products.

The CRTC also polices anti-spam communications, and it’s not just businesses that need to be concerned. It is also the officers and directors of the companies behind those communications.

In April, the first decision by the CRTC came down levelling a fine of $100,000 against an individual for off-side communications by a corporation he owned or controlled (the maximum fine is one million dollars).

The CRTC issued the fine, under the Canadian AntiSpam Legislation (CASL), against Brian Conley, the president and chief executive officer (CEO) of a group of businesses known as the “nCrowd” companies.

The business activities of these companies involved promoting the products and services of merchants on various websites, including by the sale of electronic vouchers for these products and services.

In this case, the companies sending the messages quickly dissolved or otherwise ended, so the CRTC decided that any enforcement actions directed towards these companies would have no deterrent effect. As a result, the CRTC pursued the corporate directors through vicarious liability in order to encourage future compliance with CASL.

The CRTC investigation lead to Decision 2019-111, which found that between September 25, 2014, and May 1, 2015, nCrowd, Inc. sent Commercial Electronic Messages (CEMs), or caused or permitted any of its subsidiaries to send CEMs, to electronic addresses without consent, and without a functioning unsubscribe mechanism, contrary to CASL. The CRTC found that Brian Conley acquiesced in these violations, while he was the president and CEO of the nCrowd companies.

A dealer-focused Preparedness Guide has been designed for more information on anti-spam laws:

This document is used with the kind permission of SCI MarketView, NortonRose and Canadian Auto Dealer. More information on all of this available from SCI at or call 888.919.8084.

The CRTC is tasked with enforcing CASL and also has a useful website with more information at


Why Keep It Secret?

As our readers know, the number one reason consumers call us for mediation help is to request cancellation of their purchase. Unfortunately, customers often change their minds after signing the “sales final” bill of sale or lease agreement and then want help getting their deposit back from the dealer.

As members also know, UCDA bills of sale and leases are designed to address this with clauses and protections for both dealers and consumers contained within the contract.

For example on the front of all UCDA New and Used Vehicle Bills of Sale the words “SALES FINAL” are written. On the back, is Clause #4, ACCEPTANCE BY PURCHASER, a blueprint for how to proceed with deposits in these cases. On the UCDA lease, the Clause is #17.

More and more often, we are finding that customers who call us do not actually have a copy of their contract in their hands. Why? It seems some dealers will not provide a copy of the signed contract until the day of delivery which may not come for days or even weeks after it is signed. This is not a good practice and does not help the dealer.

When we try to help the customer read the various provisions that apply to their question, they have nothing to refer to and we have to suggest they call the dealer to get a copy of the front and back of their contract. Not only is this a nuisance, but it can also jeopardize the deal.

Without a contract dealers have no legal protection, so why wouldn’t a dealer want the customer to have that important bill of sale or lease from the moment the deal is struck?

There’s another good reason.

It’s the law! The Motor Vehicle Dealers Act requires that the purchaser or lessee be given a copy of the contract “immediately after signing it”.

Why risk having a customer or a court challenge the legality of a binding contract where you did everything right except the easy part – sliding a piece of paper across the table to the customer?


How Secure is Your DMS?

A story reported on by U.S. media, concerns a DMS (Dealer Management Service) provider out of Ohio who failed to properly protect consumer data stored by 130 or so dealers using their platform.

The result was a catastrophe in terms of a privacy breach, allowing upwards of 12.5 million consumers’ personal information to be accessed by hackers in 2016.

Needless to say the fallout for the company since has been severe, but what about the dealers … and their customers? Only time will tell where, when or if that data might land.

Meanwhile the DMS has settled issues with the Federal Trade Commission.

What safeguards does your DMS have in place? How secure is your DMS?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions … ask your DMS.


Misleading Advertising And The Competition Tribunal

Our readers may recall we previously reported on a Competition Tribunal case against the Hudson’s Bay Department Store (HBC).

It was alleged that HBC engaged in deceptive marketing by offering sleep sets at grossly inflated prices (prices so high no one ever, or hardly ever, will buy them at that price point) then drastically lowering the price to actually sell them at a more normal market price, while claiming huge resulting savings in their advertising to consumers.

It was also alleged that HBC falsely advertised “clearance” or “end of line” sleep sets, implying in the minds of the public that these are inventory priced to move while, during these periods, HBC continued to order new sleep sets to meet the demand.

As is not uncommon in such matters, the whole affair has been settled by way of a “consent agreement” in which HBC does not admit the allegations, but agrees to a series of corporate improvements and fines.

HBC will update its advertising practices and pay a fine of $4 million, plus $500,000 in costs, to the Competition

Bureau! This took over two years to resolve and you can only imagine the legal bills for both sides had to have been massive.

You can read the whole decision here:

The take away message for dealers?

Take these allegations and substitute cars or trucks for “sleep sets”.

If dealers did the things alleged here, they could face similar action by the Competition Bureau. When you think about it, you can see why it matters.

How could there ever be a level playing field between vendors or confidence in the public perception of any industry that engaged in false advertising such as was alleged in this case?

Indeed that is why OMVIC’s Standards of Business Practice,, which have been in place now for almost two decades, specifically contains sections to prevent:

1. Misleading price advertising; and

2. Language that falsely suggests inventory “must go”, “fire sale” pricing, “last chance” and that kind of thing … if untrue.

Some of this is common sense really, but it bears repeating, and keep in mind, it’s not just OMVIC that’s watching!


Appraisals – Clarification

In our last issue we mentioned that dealers are able to appraise used vehicles for tax value on private transactions. 

The Ontario Government will accept a dealer’s appraisal of value to apply provincial sales tax at a licence office when private sellers and buyers are doing a deal.

As a point of clarification, and as the form itself makes clear, this service can only be performed by General (Retail) dealers, not, for example, Wholesale dealers.

Thank you to the alert readers who pointed this out to us.


An “Other” Identification Card

We have written many times about the “Certificate of Indian Status” card, issued by the Government of Canada, which is the only form of identification acceptable to exempt a Status Indian from taxes on a vehicle sale or lease. This is what the card looks like

Métis and other such Aboriginal ID, membership or association cards are not issued by the Government of Canada and do not exempt the holder from paying HST.

Recently, a new card has come to our attention. It is not being offered by a First Nations person, or a Métis, Inuit or other Indigenous person, but rather a card whose origins might be best described as quasi-religious in origin.

On at least two occasions, the holder of this card has tried to convince dealers that this card entitles them to a tax exemption on the purchase of a vehicle. It doesn’t, for the same reasons other cards that are not a Certificate of Status Indian Card issued by the Canadian Government do not qualify.

The card styles itself as “Allodial American National Identification” and as you can see, it is quite ornate, colourful and full of information, none of which has any relevance at all to the tax payable. We have removed the picture, name and address of the user of this card.

Be aware, if a dealer does not properly collect and remit HST on the sale of a motor vehicle, CRA may look to the dealer to recover it.


Repair / Tow Truck SCAM

When we discuss what we can write about for the next issue of Front Line, scams are fertile ground, because they come in endless varieties, are often fascinating in their silly complexity and they never, ever, go away.

Why is that? Sadly, because they work for the scammer. They work at least often enough to make it worthwhile for themselves, anyway.

We last wrote about the old repair / tow truck scam in 2013 and enough of our members have, or are, repair facilities that a recent email received by one of our members bears talking about.

The story goes like this …

A hearing disabled man from Manitoba needs his car fixed. He asks for a quote for a complete brake job and explains he has just moved to Ontario, but the vehicle is still in Manitoba (which is convenient because the dealer can’t run the VIN to see if it is even in this guy’s name). All of this by email, of course, due to his disability.

Anyway, he gets the quote and now things get interesting. You see, he is going in for surgery (for his hearing disability). He needs a huge favour, he has to pay by credit card (read fake or stolen). He plans to pay you $4,000. You are to take the $1,000 from that for your repair quote and send $3,000 by interac e-transfer (or cash, or wire transfer, it doesn’t matter really) to the tow truck company.

If you agree, he will helpfully provide all the contact details and the only real money in this whole fantasy will be what you send the “tow truck company”. You will, of course, never see the vehicle because there isn’t one and you will never, ever, see your money again.

The sad story used by the so-called “customer” can vary, but the idea is the same. He or she are in a tough spot and need a favour from you. Please, before you send thousands of dollars to people you don’t know … just don’t do it. If you’re in any doubt, call the UCDA for advice.

May 2019

The numbers are in for and they show a dramatic improvement over the first four months of this year compared with the same period in 2018. The number of Users, Leads and Pageviews are all way up. Organic traffic has shown a huge improvement; a direct result of the UCDA’s ongoing digital marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaigns.

If you’re not listing on the site now, you may not know how easy it is. offers syndication from most major listing sites, DMS systems and aggregators.

In addition, the Ontariocars app, available at no charge for both iOS and Android operating systems, allows you to upload vehicles to the site in minutes.

Step By Step

  1. Download the Ontariocars app to your android or iPhone
  2. Add a vehicle
  3. Scan the VIN with your phone
  4. Add listing price, mileage and other details
  5. Add photos
  6. Review and list your vehicle

Click below to see just how easy it is:

The mobile and desktop apps are perfect for smaller dealers who may not have enough vehicles or the proper listing package with other sites to syndicate.

Once your vehicles are on, you can manage your inventory and track leads as they come in.

Listing your vehicles on is Free.

There are no curbsiders or private sellers to taint and compete against your listings.

And the site is generating free leads for UCDA members with listed inventory.

Watch for more features coming to the site soon!

Email [email protected] for more information and to get started.

Canadian Tire Gas+ Contest

During May, 30 lucky visitors to will win free gas from Canadian Tire. Each day, site visitors will be asked to find Otto, the Ontariocars icon.

Each visitor who finds Otto will be eligible to win $100 in gas from Canadian Tire Gas+.

One winner will be drawn each day until May 30th. All the daily winners will be entered into a random draw at the end of the month for Free Gas for a Year.

Up to $2,500 worth!


Dealers may know that they can appraise used vehicles for value on private transactions. The Ontario Government will accept a dealer’s appraised value to apply provincial sales tax at a licence office when private sellers and buyers are doing a deal.

The required form can be obtained at a Driver and Vehicle Licence Office and can also be found here:

Be aware, that the Government expects your honest opinion. If you artificially report low valuations or otherwise act improperly, the Ministry of Finance may take issue with you.

Recently, we have heard of dealers being asked to conduct appraisals based on photographs. Members should obviously refuse to provide this service without seeing the vehicle. You need to inspect the vehicle as if you were taking it in on trade and provide your best good faith estimate about the wholesale value.

The Form states that anyone who knowingly makes a false or misleading statement is guilty of an offence under the Ontario Retail Sales Tax Act. For the sake of your reputation and the small fee you’re probably receiving for the service (a fine would likely be higher), doing any less than your best is not worth it!

OMVIC Nabs Curbsider Advertising On Kijiji

In a press release in late March, OMVIC described sales made to unsuspecting consumers by one Szymon Kozlowski, “acting as a dealer without reigstration”, otherwise known as a curbsider. OMVIC successfully prosecuted him.

OMVIC said he used Kijiji to advertise vehicles he bought from private citizens during a two-year period from 2016 to 2017.

He also, apparently, tampered with some of the vehicles’ odometers and, in one case, sold a 2008 Toyota with 56,753 kms on the odometer to an innocent consumer. In truth, it had actually traveled well over 300,000 kms.

The court viewed this behaviour seriously, sentencing Kozlowski to 30 days in jail, even though it was his first offence.

Kijiji is not the only site where these miscreants lurk. Curbsiders can be found on most any listing site that allows private ads. You won’t find any on

This is why we promote our vehicle listing site, as a dealer-only advertising site.

At UCDA members can display their vehicles to consumers without these distractions. Guaranteed!

OMVIC reported that Kozlowski was convicted on four counts of curbsiding (Motor Vehicle Dealers Act) and four counts of committing an unfair business practice (Consumer Protection Act). After his sentencing in Mississauga Provincial Court, he was taken into custody to begin serving a 30-day jail sentence. He was also placed on probation for two years.

You can read the full press release here:


Personal Liens

More often than not, when a customer wants to buy a vehicle, they need financing to pay for it. Sometimes, as part of that financing, the customer wants to borrow more money to pay off household debts or other loan obligations, such as lines of credit or credit card debts.

Some dealers are adding these loans to the price of a vehicle and funding it as any other vehicle sale. For example, a vehicle is being sold for $35,000, but the customer wants to take away $5,000 to pay off debts, so the purchase price of the vehicle is shown as $40,000 on the bill of sale. When the funds arrive from the bank, the customer is given a cheque from the dealer for $5,000.

This has become known as a “personal lien”, probably because it is similar to what happens when a vehicle is taken in trade with a lien on it that needs to be paid out as part of the financing.

But, in reality, that’s not what it is. When you take a trade-in with a lien, part of the loan is advanced to clear the lien and part of the loan is advanced to pay for the vehicle you are selling. It’s not added on top of the sale price of the vehicle you are selling.

The “personal lien” practice increases the sale price beyond what might be considered a fair value for the vehicle, and in the case of a new vehicle, certainly beyond MSRP.

Is it legal?

When we are asked this question we tell dealers it is not legal unless the customer and the bank agree to it. What we mean by this, is you cannot assume the customer and the bank understand what is being done just because they “say” they understand. As the months and years pass by, people have a tendency to “forget” such understandings when it is convenient for them to do so.

If the customer or the lender become disenchanted with the deal they agreed to, then they may start questioning why the vehicle was so grossly in excess of fair market value, why so much HST was paid on the sale and why the vehicle is worth so much less today than what is actually owed (negative equity).

Our advice if you are doing a deal like this (and we don’t recommend you do), is to spell out on the bill of sale exactly what is being done and why, so everyone is clear what is being agreed to and what is being financed by the bank.

Most contract disputes happen because of what is left unsaid in agreements. Try to avoid that fatal error.


Cautious About Leasing

Regular readers of Front Line will know that we have written plenty about leasing in the past. Often our articles are cautionary, not because we don’t like leasing, but because many dealers don’t fully consider the downsides and other pitfalls involved.

Leasing is an amazing way to put metal on the road for people who can’t afford to buy a car outright, or don’t qualify for purchase financing. Some simply don’t want to own a car for years and years. There will always be a place for leasing in our market, because it is very popular with Canadians.

As noted, however, dealers who lease need to think about many things: lessor’s insurance, liens, liability, end of lease safety hassles, and so on. Now, we can add insurance settlements to the list.

A dealer puts a vehicle on the road as an “in-house finance”, at the end of which the customer becomes the “owner”. Sounds like a “sale” right? Well the dealer kept the vehicle in their name “like a lease”, even though the contract is really a lease to own or conditional finance sale agreement.

So what?

Well, in our example, after making two payments the customer writes off the vehicle.

If it’s a sale, the customer would be treated as the owner and receive a settlement from the insurance company that reflects what it would cost the consumer to replace the vehicle. In other words, they would get the retail replacement value. If it’s a lease, that vehicle is owned by the dealer and the settlement will reflect a wholesale replacement value.

In a case recently brought to our attention, the difference meant thousands of dollars; all because the vehicle was in the name of the dealer. It would have been better for our dealer in this instance to put the vehicle in the customer’s name and secure his financing by registering a lien.

Leasing is great, as long as dealers go into that business model with their eyes wide open to both the benefits and the downsides.

A Timely Reminder

We have received enough calls and complaints on the subject of auto loan insurance to put out a reminder about marketing these products.

When we say auto loan insurance, we are referring to a grab bag of insurance-like products such as life, disability, replacement value, GAP and other similar products related to a consumer loan or lease of a motor vehicle. They are all, in one way or another, designed to offer full or partial payment of the balance owing on a vehicle loan in the event of an unforeseen event like loss of a job, accident or a total loss situation.

There is no doubt these products are good profit centres for dealers. Financial institutions like them too, for the extra security they bring to the loan, especially in the case of nearprime or sub-prime consumers.

The push by dealers and the pull by lenders has resulted in the need for this reminder … it is illegal to describe these products as “required” or “mandatory” on any deal. For example, it’s illegal to tell a customer their loan will not be approved unless they agree to also purchase one of these auto loan insurance products.

This practice, known as “tied-selling” is as illegal for the dealer to engage in, as it is for the lender. Avoid it at all costs.

It’s not illegal to explain the very real benefits of these products to consumers, but there is a line between upselling and insisting … make sure you know where that line is and don’t cross it!

Annual General Meeting

The UCDA Annual General Meeting will take place at 4:00 p.m., Thursday June 13, 2019 in the Bennett Room at the Holiday Inn, Toronto International Airport, 970 Dixon Road in Toronto.

When The Energizer Bunny Stops Marching

In February, the UCDA received our first consumer complaint about a hybrid vehicle’s battery reaching the end of its useful life.

The consumer, a 21 year old woman, bought the best used car she could afford, a 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid last summer for $7,550.

By November, she started to experience strange problems with it. The radio wouldn’t work, the windows stopped functioning properly and her power steering was malfunctioning more often than not. Her concerns went from being merely aggravating to alarming pretty quickly, as the vehicle started to look and feel unsafe to her.

The problem? Her Integrated Motor Assist (“IMA”) battery was dying. Right on schedule it seems based on the 10 year life span predicted for IMAs. The real problem, of course, is
these nickel metal hydride batteries don’t come cheap, and that’s never news a used car buyer wants to hear.

The cost to replace an IMA battery is in the thousands, not hundreds, of dollars. The customer could not afford this and wanted out of the vehicle entirely. Not exactly a “green choice” but one she may have to confront.

Since the dealer she bought the hybrid from offered no assistance, she made a complaint to OMVIC and is hoping they will be able to persuade the dealer that sold her the vehicle last summer to help her out. Honda Canada has already been contacted and has not had much to say beyond telling her the unit is out of warranty.

This is not a surprise. We expected an increase in problems like this when hybrids first came on to the scene. The concern is, of course, not restricted to Honda vehicles.

Most manufacturers offer hybrid and electric vehicles and they are now common in the used vehicle marketplace. There will be more instances like this and our industry needs to be prepared.

Does a dealer selling a used hybrid or electric vehicle that is likely reaching the end of useful working battery life, need to anticipate this and either address it by refurbishing it or by warning the buyer in writing of what is likely soon to come? Hybrid and electric trade-ins need to be appraised with this in mind … same when bidding at auction.

We aren’t aware of any case law in Ontario offering guidance as of the writing of this article … but stay tuned … it’s likely to come soon.

Life After Death

Data and Your Vehicle

Have you noticed how much vehicles today know about you? Bluetooth enabled, bristling with tech and computer power, these vehicles know your email addresses, calendar, contacts, where you drive, how often you drive there, how many people you carry, how fast you drive, GPS locators, even video in some cases, and countless other data pieces as well.

We often joke that the car knows more about you than you do. But it stops being funny when you realize these vehicles don’t unlearn any of this after you stop being the owner, or even after the vehicle gets sent to the scrapyard.

Although the CNBC report linked below focuses on Tesla (because it has as much tech as any car on the road today), it can apply to any modern vehicle:

All this data is stored on computers in the vehicle. Anyone who knows anything about computers knows they can be “hacked”. Sometimes hackers do it for kicks, sometimes they are after useable data. The point is, you don’t know what kind of hacker is poking around your once-upon-a-time best friend.

The best advice? It takes a tech to know a tech, maybe we should start asking questions of manufacturers about how to “wipe” this data from the vehicle’s system prior to sale or scrap.

We certainly need to start thinking about this because plenty of other folks with potentially bad intentions sure are.

Certification Course Classes

We have several OMVIC certification classes coming up.

For more information and to register, please contact Michelle, at [email protected] or Val, at [email protected]